
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

BMW hybrid will introduce a competitor Tesla Model S in 2018

BMW hybrid will introduce a competitor Tesla Model S in 2018

The BMW Group has started to develop a new hybrid sedan. New feature BMW hybrid called i5 or i7 and will be presented in 2018. The main competitor of the car will be electric car Tesla Model S.

The novelty of the Bavarian brand will be based on 5-Series. The power plant will consist of a sedan petrol unit and two electric motors. Due to this owner will be able to use an electric front-wheel drive, rear-wheel drive or four-wheel drive. Without recharging the car can travel about 128 kilometers.

The German company plans to annually produce about 30,000 hybrid sedans. According to preliminary data, the price of the car will start at $ 100 000.

Note that in the last month stole know that digging BMW hybrid launched the development of new charging stations for electric vehicles of their. The first devices will appear in the next year in the US, and later will get to Europe. Charging stations are called DC Charger and refills are analogous Tesla Supercharger.

The price of the charger unit with DC Charger is $ 6,500. 30 minutes to charge the battery electric station by 80%. Furthermore, the invention BMW is much more compact than their counterparts. Stations can use any of the owners of electric cars or hybrids except Nissan and Tesla. The official premiere of the new devices will be held at the Auto Show in Detroit early next year.

In addition, BMW’s engineers have developed special lampposts, which are equipped with sockets for electric vehicles. The device is called the Light and Charge and has passed all the necessary tests. At the moment, the first prototypes have already appeared near the headquarters of the Group in Munich. As described in the company next year will be equipped with such gadgets entire city. Receive energy devices Light and Charge will be from the city grid.

By 2018, BMW hybrid will release a competitor to the Tesla Model S

 Bavarians activated and switched to plug-in hybrids. The new model BMW hybrid will be called the i5 or i7 and will compete with Tesla Model S, but it will be only in 2018.

Hybrid will be based on an extended wheelbase of the fifth series, which is currently offered in China. It will be driven by a hybrid system that combines a gasoline engine and two electric motors at the rear of the car. On a single charge novelty can be overcome only 130 km on electricity.

Conceptual version of the model can be seen already in 2017. Its design will draw its inspiration from the 6-Series Gran Coupe, as well as in the following “Seven”. Cost i5 and i7 exceed € 80 000, and its annual production, according to the plans BMW hybrid, should be 30 000 copies.

BMW hybrid will introduce a competitor Tesla Model S in 2018

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