
Friday, January 16, 2015

Nissan to double range of Leaf

Nissan to double range of Leaf

The organization’s own business is always an attractive alternative to work for another person. More independence, more freedom of action and decision-making to many like it, but if exercise also brings pleasure, it becomes an ideal place to work. On the one hand, the matter may seem season, on the other – always relevant tire services with local traffic conditions. If there is more solid capital, of course, you can even collect and sell their own cars, for example, power to make the air cleaner.

Among electric vehicles now have only a few of the brightest models. In the luxury class is the Tesla Model S, but for the middle class – hatchback Nissan Leaf. Japanese electric car consistently at odds and even increases in circulation, despite lower prices for gasoline and diesel fuel. In America last year, Leaf has sold 30,200 copies. However, it does have its competitors – although sales of the hybrid Chevrolet Volt declined slightly, at the Auto Show in Detroit, the American brand introduced its new generation, as well as the concept of electric hatchback Bolt. It is most dangerous for the Leaf, because for the same price, it can be estimated range of 320 miles.

Carlos Ghosn, president of Nissan, in the same showroom said that preparing to release a new generation of Nissan Leaf, which can also hold a single charge of 320 kilometers. Moreover, the hatchback will become more accessible. In the words of Hong told reporters: “We want to be competitive.” Now cruising range Nissan Leaf is 135 kilometers.

Nissan to double range of Leaf

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