
Monday, May 11, 2015

SPEED LIMIT * New Zealand - Calls from 100 to 60/70 km/hour limit

* Calls for lower speed limit as 10 die on roads

-- The national head of road policing has thrown his weight behind calls to reduce the speed limit on rural roads, after a "horror" weekend in which 10 people died in crashes... The default 100kmh speed limit on most of New Zealand's rural roading network was too high, Assistant Commissioner Dave Cliff told Radio New Zealand... Best international practice dictated a 70-80kmh limit. "It means if people crash, it's survivable," Cliff told... Cliff said the weekend's carnage reminded him of the "really bad old days" of the 1970s and 80s, when road death levels were at their highest... Notwithstanding that New Zealand's road toll was still twice as high, per 100,000 people, as low-toll countries such as Netherlands and Sweden... Cliff adds, "Worse was yet to come if the toll continued at its current level for the rest of the year"... 
 Wellington, New Zealand - Stuff, by TALIA SHADWELL - May 11 2015

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